Thursday, September 29, 2011

Web 2.0 Critique

I thought that the web 2.0 was a very good and helpful thing. While it helps you with your school work and job it also helps your social life. I think that web 2.0 is genius. It can really change our world. I read the article about web 3.0, I have to say that it is hard to believe but can happen. In my opinion I dont think it will ever excist.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Making the video

Luis and I, went to the cafeteria to film. At the beginning we had problems with the camera but it was fixed and the task was pretty easy after that. There was a group in the 8th grade floor who slowed us down but at the end we went up to the top floor and finished our filming right on time. We should be done editing next class.

Fall trip

I have got to start of by thanking all the teachers that came with us. On the first day we were at school all sleepy and grumpy, but when we got the bus a sudden boost of energy came through all of us and we were louder than ever. We got to Schladming and strating swimming in the lake and going on the sommerrodelbahn which was bassicly a cart that went really fast, we had alot of fun. Then we got to the hostel and ate one of the worse meals i have ever ate but we still had to be respectful. we all headed to our rooms and talked and slept. the next day we woke up and ate breakfast. I ate thier eggs and that was really bad and uncooked. After breakfast we headed to spar to buy lunch. Spar was a very delightful place to be. I was on the advanced hike so we went up the mountain but instead of hiking i had an injured toe so me and two other classmates had to stay in a hut for 4-6 hours with a teacher how great. When the time finnaly ended we headed back to the hostel and ate chicken which wasnt so bad. Due to the good dinner everyone was happy and more energy was stored. The Day was over so we all went to sleep. The next day we went to do the rope course in cold wet weather which was horrible. then we went home and got our technology.