Friday, December 9, 2011

What I got finished today

Today my partner Constantin wasn't here so I had a lot to do. When I started I looked for an intro video for America's got Talent. I found the perfect one but i didn't know how to download it, I went to google and downloaded a Firefox add-on that allowed me to download the sound track. When I was done with that I sent the video to Constantin. Then I watched some video's of how to use i movie in cool ways. I picked up some knowledge and now all we have to do is film the talent show and edit.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Our work so far.

Constantin and I didnt have much work to do since our topic didnt accure yet. What we have done was that we interviewed Mr.Sagader and he gave us his ideas about it. Later on we might put a before and after video of him. We are going to film the talent show and then take bits of it and put it on.