Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Talent Show

For our 8th grade slideshow project I am in a group with Constantin, last class we brainstormed ideas about what we could do but the one that we both agreed on was that we take a video of the whole talent show with an HD camera. Then take out the bits and pieces of it that were very impressive and put them on Imovie, and so we have our part of the 8th grade slideshow!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Creative Commons

<div xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" about="http://creativecommons.org"><a rel="cc:attributionURL" property="cc:attributionName" href="http://creativecommons.org">Creative Commons</a> / <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/">CC BY 3.0</a></div>

Friday, November 11, 2011

Slideshow Ideas

I think we should have a guy that is looking at the flights in the airport and each flight would have something like: Classes, Fieldtrips, Freetime, Schladming etc. The slideshow should be a fresh Idea!!!

My October Break

During the October break, my mom and I went to Malaga, Spain with a group of tourist. First Impression was bad because I had to wake up at 4:00 in the morning. In the plane I was all grumpy but the moment i saw the sun i relaxed. We got to downtown Malaga and i ate noodles with two of my friends. During the rest of the break i went to Granada and Cordoba. Spain was really fun and i wish i could visit it again one day.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Intreging Commercial

There are many thing that make this commercial intreging.

1. The Ferrari has shiny colors that makes the watcher interested and it fools the human eye.

2. It shows the smooth driving and the turns look so sharp.

3. The locations that they pick were very nice looking places.

4. Lets face it if you buy a million dollar Ferrari your not going to take it to the desert, rain forest or anything like that.

5. It shows that a guy who looks like he has a simple good life was driving it.

6.  In a part of the video its driving down the street in the city, All the other cars looked like bad cars. If you really go to a city with a Ferrari sure its nice but not as nice as shown.

7. Hearing the noise of the car. Of was that loud and it sounded like a beast, In reality if you do that you eould get fined.

Video Reflection

Our video was good overall, the speaking was clear, it wasn't blurry, and it was pretty straight story. Some wrong things we did were that we didnt add any camera angles.
I thought that the best video was Sophie's and Ben's. It was an interesting video and it had lots of affects.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Internet Language

These are some of the many abbreviations that are used alot in the social world. (ex: Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler, Myspace, Form spring.)

Kevin:"I just fell of my chair" Chris: LOL =
Kevin: "I just fell of my chair" Chris: "Laugh out Loud"

Jack: "I just got beat up by my brother." Bob: "ROFL."
Jack: "I just got beat up by my brother." Bob: " Rolling on the floor laughing"

Did u see the match yesterday, oh yah BTW Milan won 4-3.=
Did you see the match yesterday, oh yes by the way Milan won 4-3.

"Do U want to go to the movies".
"Do you want to go to the movies".