Monday, November 7, 2011

Intreging Commercial

There are many thing that make this commercial intreging.

1. The Ferrari has shiny colors that makes the watcher interested and it fools the human eye.

2. It shows the smooth driving and the turns look so sharp.

3. The locations that they pick were very nice looking places.

4. Lets face it if you buy a million dollar Ferrari your not going to take it to the desert, rain forest or anything like that.

5. It shows that a guy who looks like he has a simple good life was driving it.

6.  In a part of the video its driving down the street in the city, All the other cars looked like bad cars. If you really go to a city with a Ferrari sure its nice but not as nice as shown.

7. Hearing the noise of the car. Of was that loud and it sounded like a beast, In reality if you do that you eould get fined.

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